Friday, August 13, 2010

Genre analysis - Documentary analysis - The devil made me do it

Title - The devil made me do it.

Type of documentary,
Mixed documentary with interviews and factual information.

The themes include murder/crime, music, religion, youth and shows the power of the media and how it affects individuals.

Narrative structure,
Open narrative structure and also non linear as it doesnt follow in order as it goes back to the trial which was shown at the begginning of the documentary.

Interviews - mostly meduium close up or close up and framed left or right i.e. marilin manson.
hand held camera - guy selling merchandice outside gig. it was prearranged which added a funny and lighter theme to the documentary.
Lots of point of view shots i.e. at the gig it shown one of the characters and what they witnessed. also the inspector at a point of view when driving to see the convict, we seen road etc.
Most important point of view shot was of dieing nun as it shown the camera turned to the side as if lying on the floor.

Stock footage was included in detailed and shown religious artefacts like angels, christ,steeple etc these were in high and low angle.

Zoom was used to show evidence i.e girls diary and evidence

Craneshot- Of cementary where a man was visiting a grave.
birds eye view also of cementary to show lots of gravestones.

Tracking and planning was also used to show people walking and to show the importance and state of atmosphere i.e. rushing/running around to show seriousness.

Establishing shots used to create sense of scene and time i.e. italy.

Mis en scene

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